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Swarovski Crystal Birthstone Charm

The immediate moments after accepting the fact that your loved one has passed away can be some of the most difficult times in your life. In beginning the grieving process, you will be full of emotions you’ve never encountered before and with everything that accompanies the passing of a loved one, you won’t need anything else in your life causing you stress. Here at Flowers Forever, we want to make sure that the preservation of the memory of your loved one isn’t one more thing you need to stress out about.

Sometimes in dealing with death, it is helpful to look back on happier days and beautiful memories you shared during your loved one’s life. From holidays to special occasions and even birthdays, these joyous memories are what will keep you going during the hardest of times. Flowers Forever is now offering Swarovski Crystal Birthstone Charms that you can add to a personalized charm bracelet or even necklace.

Swaravski Crystal Birthstone Charm - My Flowers Forever

The charms are available for every birth month and will add an extra sense of personalization to the bracelet you wear every day. This is just one more reminder of the beautiful life you have ahead of you where you will be able to keep the memory of your late loved one close to you at all times. With a charm so small and meaningful, it is a wonderful addition to your Bellabeads jewelry.

With so many things going on during this time in your life, it’s comforting to know that the memory of you loved one will always be preserved and with Flowers Forever, we can provide you with tangible proof that they will never be forgotten. We hope to put your mind somewhat at ease and give you the reassurance you need that this aspect of your life is something you’ll never have to be stressed out about. With our artists taking the time and care to hand craft our beads, your piece of remembrance jewelry will be that much more personal.

For more information on ordering your Swarovski Crystal Birthstone Charm pleaseclick here.
